Catching the Shutterbug

I recall first picking up a 35mm camera when I was a junior in high school. I had no idea what I was doing, so I had someone set the settings for me and I started walking about campus taking candid pictures of my fellow students. Later, in college, I met and then shared an apartment with a photography major, who baptized me in the art of taking black-and-white pictures as well as then developing them.

While I continued to take lots of picture during my twenties and thirties, it wasn’t until 2000 when my life took its most radical turn–that meaning me becoming a father–that I really immersed myself in photography. When my well-worn Minolta XD-11 became unrepairable just before Ethan’s arrival on Dec. 2, 2000, I entered the digital world with a one-megapixel HP camera. I’ve since moved on to Nikon, currently favoring a D90 with an 18-200mm lens on it most of the time.

I’m excited to share my pictures with you.
